2 Peter 3:9 (PATIENCE | WEEK 2)

2 Peter 3:9 (PATIENCE | WEEK 2) - Proclamation Coalition

“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”

‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Recite using the acronym:

T L I N S T F H P A S C S , B I P T Y , N W T A S P , B T A S R R . 2 PETER 3:9

Read Full Passage HERE

Dive Deeper:

The day of the Lord will come. Just as the Lord was faithful to His promise to deliver the people of Israel from the Egyptians and fulfilling His promise of the coming Savior in Jesus Christ. He will be faithful to fulfill His promise to return and ultimately usher in the new creation. He will not fail to keep the day which he has appointed. Our God is not a God of laziness nor slackness, as if He had snoozed His alarm too many times, but instead is a God of patience and faithfulness. He is not slow to fulfill His promise, He is patient and not merely from His wisdom, but because He cares for His children and desires for as many as will repent to come to salvation!


We live in a world that is prone to destruction, that ultimately points us to our future home, eternal in heaven. (2 Cor 5) Because this earth is not yet our home, we will experience long-suffering. Which is defined as “having or showing patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by other people.” This will make us hope for a future of everlasting joy and peace in the presence of our Savior. But that day is not yet today (as far as I know) because Christ is not done with us yet. He allows long-suffering to both produce in us a longing for Him, but also a full reliance on Him in the midst of our trial. Not only do we rely on Him in hope, but a spirit of boldness to grow the body through the proclamation of the body is also produced in us. And as Matthew Henry says, “those who are in a state of grace and favour with God are to advance in knowledge and holiness, and in the exercise of faith and patience, to abound in good works, doing and suffering what they are called to, that they may bring glory to God, and improve in a meetness for heaven; for God is not willing that any of these should perish, but that all of them should come to repentance.”


“All to come to repentance.” What a hopeful vision. Christ is patient towards our slowness to repentance, He is not slow himself. Another way that Christ uses suffering for our good is through allowing the lost to truly feel the fullness of their “lostness” in this world, and ultimately desire to be found in Christ alone. Long-suffering produces repentance, which is absolutely necessary for salvation. God neither delights in our suffering nor in the death of sinners, but he is patient to fulfill the promise of Christ’s return so that the evil in the world is used for the greatest good in the universe—salvation in Christ. Christ is patiently waiting for His bride to grab oil for her lamp and wait eagerly and patiently for Him. (Matthew 25)


Yes, pray for the return of Christ. But more than that, pray for the Salvation of the world and your unsaved friends to come swiftly, before the day of Christ’s return and judgment of the world. If you truly want Christ to come, grab your light, some extra oil, and stand on the hill, both looking for Him in the clouds and sharing the Gospel with the crowds.



Thank you for being both faithful and patient.

Help me to be a faithful presence for you in the world as I wait eagerly yet patiently for your return.

Help embolden me and strengthen me for the good works that you prepared for me.

Give me faith to trust what you say and to proclaim those truths to the world.

Thank you for being patient towards me.

Return to me the joy of salvation and I will help sinners return to you.(Psalm 51)

I love you.
