Psalm 145:17 (KINDNESS | Week 1)

The Lord is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works. Psalm 145:17
Recite using the acronym:
T L I R I A H W A K I A H W . PSALM 145:17
Read Full Passage HERE
Dive Deeper:
Although this declaration is seemingly common, there is nothing more powerful than the simple and concrete truths of our Savior and King. His righteousness, merciful acts, and kindness should be the resounding praises of our lips. For, we worship a Good Father, and that which is good can only produce goodness. When you enter a dark valley, tell God that He is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His works. And when you reach the mountain top, tell God that He is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His works. God’s merciful kindness promised to us as His children is what grounds our hope in both the loss and the plenty. Therefore, declaring the simple praises of our Father back to Him confirms His promises in the depths of our hearts.
So, what are the evidences of God’s merciful kindness to us who are His children that we can hope in? To answer this, let's look at a particular kindness. Since God is fully holy and righteous and we are not– He is kind by treating us better than we deserve. Any good thing He does for us is out of His mercy. There is a theological term called Common Grace. Common Grace is the general good that we as natural man experience on earth as undeserving creatures. Even unbelievers experience God’s Common Grace, “For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust,” (Matthew 5:45). Knowing that we, God’s disobedient creation, receive good gifts from God daily, even such as rain, we should be driven to our knees in thanksgiving to God.
To look at it another way, reflect on the following: most of us have had children placed in our care that aren’t ours, whether through babysitting, Sunday School at our church, or even younger siblings. We certainly show kindness to them, and they have our affection and attention. We even provide for some of their basic needs. And although we don’t withhold our kindness from them, there must be something said about the greater kindness that we have or will show to our own children. Their requests will be all the more fulfilled, even ones they don’t ask of us, for we know the needs of our children in greater depths than they might even know themselves. To those we “babysit” we show kindness and will even give direction, but it can’t even begin to compare to the kindness and mercy we pour out on our children. And even so, they are not void of punishment, but instead, our discipline weighs heavier on our own children so that their flourishment will abound all the more. The same is true of our Father in heaven. He shows grace to all, but to his own, His grace abounds all the more.
In conclusion, we want to challenge you. Spend some time reflecting on the great riches of kindness that the Lord has bestowed upon you. Are you in the midst of difficult circumstances? Rest in the kindness God has shown you through sending Jesus to put an end to suffering once and for all. Are things going well for you? Praise God and look to see where you can show kindness to others as Christ has done so for you. Be imitators of Christ. Show kindness and mercy to others by treating them in the same manner Christ would.