Psalm 51:7 (Repentance - Week 7)

Psalm 51:7 (Repentance - Week 7) - Proclamation Coalition

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. - Psalm 51:7 ESV

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. - Psalm 51:7 NIV


Read Full Passage HERE


Go Deeper:

When you begin to think and dwell about this verse, imagine with me for a moment, an early winter morning, with snow fresh on the ground from last night's snowfall, glistening under the morning light. As you walk out onto your front step, a sense of calm rushes over you as untouched creation declares the glory of the Lord. This is the kind of cleansing and forgiveness that David is asking of the Lord, one that covers the dead lifeless trees and ground with new beauty and splendor. 

David knew that what he had done, corrupted his soul, and produced death and decay, but he also knew that he served a God and King that does not declare that the final word. But instead there is forgiveness, mercy, and righteousness found in God that has the power to purify and cover even the most vile of sins. Even more than David, we know that this is true because we have the written Gospel to know that Christ and His death is the true and  final word. When we feel guilt and shame knock at our door, we now have power to deny it, through the purifying blood of Christ that cleanses us from all unrighteousness. 

Christ’s death on the cross has more power than your shame, and has power to break every chain. You will never be pure before God because of any amount of good that you have done, but you can be righteous and pure before Him, through  the mercy of His Son alone. Who died for your unrighteousness, and said to His accusers “Father forgive them for the know not what they do.” Through Christ alone, you are whiter then snow. 

When you are tempted to feel shame from your past or present sin, pray this Psalm of David.