"Good News" - Isaiah 52:7 ESV

"Good News" - Isaiah 52:7 ESV - Proclamation Coalition



Isaiah 52:7 ESV “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.””

We have been invited to join the creator of the universe, on the greatest endeavor in the universe. There seems to be countless ways that Jesus and HIs Word calls us into this venture. “There are other sheep, that need to be brought into the fold,”(John 10:16) “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers few,”(Luke 10:2) “leave all behind for the sake of Christ,”(Mark 10:28) “Take up your cross and follow Me”(Mark 8:34), “Go and make disciple,” and “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” I could go on and on, probably be able to fill a book, but someone already did that, it’s called the Bible. You are commanded through an invitation. You won’t be dragged into this mission and you won’t be coerced, but you have been handed an invitation to join GOD on His mission. It certainly will be challenging and it will be frighten, but HE will be with you, and on the other side of the Journey is glory, forever. 

We have been called on a greatest endeavor, to share the Good News. Will you answer the call?

If you believe that this calling is truly beautiful, then you will carry it, and your feet will be called beautiful. If you truly understand the beauty of the Gospel, then you will want nothing less than to bring it to the world. To every nation, tribe, people, and tongue. 

Disciple making requires feet, it requires you to get up and go.

You must be sent. Scripture never says that people will be brought to you, that Gospel opportunity will fall in your lap, or that it will be easy. But it does say that there is a plentiful harvest, it does call you to go, and if you do, you will find the hurting and the lost, it does say that God will be by your side and on your side, and it calls the feet of those who bring the good news beautiful. You must go. You have been given the most beautiful gift, a gift of peace and salvation…now go and bring it to the world. We can no longer stand idly by expecting the work to get done, we must join in and be laborers of the harvest that is plentiful. God has invited you in to a great calling. What is stopping you?

The broken and divided world around us is in desperate need of the good news. Not just any good news but THE Good News that is the Gospel! Are you willing to bring it to the world?

Bring Good News.