SET FREE X STAY TRUE - John 8:31-32

“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31b-32
We live in a world that is constantly throwing around ideas of what “truth” is. It seems truth has been traded for feelings and opinions. With social media, the news, government tension, and artificial intelligence, we can find ourselves asking “what is truth?” and “what is real?” In the search for truth and answers, we can feel uneasy, hopeless, anxious, and overwhelmed. Is there such thing as ultimate truth?
Phrases such as “live your truth” and ”this is my truth” have shifted our society away from what the Truth actually is. Trying to keep up with the “truth” that the broken world around us tries to convince us of can feel very similar trying to keep up a clothing trend–exhausting One day, the skinny jeans are all the rage so you invest and buy multiple pairs. But then what happens? The next month, it’s only cool to wear baggy jeans. Well, now you’re out of money from trying to keep up with the first trend, so you scrounge up whatever you can to get the baggy jeans and you throw away your skinny jeans. When this becomes a pattern, you quickly find out that it’s not sustainable to jump from one trend to the next. In the same way, there is no consistency and contentment in things that are always changing and that people claim as “their truth.” When we believe these false truths, we live bound lives. Many who want to experience real freedom, never will if they don’t know The Truth. Wordly truth brings stress, bondage, and anxiety. Biblical Truth brings peace, assurance, and contentment.
The Bible tells us clearly, what or rather who the Truth is in John 14:6, “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus is saying, I AM Truth.
Jesus is the Truth. And only The Truth will set us free.
The concept of freedom in Christ offers transformation, leading to deliverance from the chains that bind us. Through knowing and believing in who Jesus is and what He’s done for us, we can experience a new sense of freedom and live an abundant life.
You have a father of lies and a Heavenly Father of truth, would you rather trust the father of lies or the Father of Truth?
Knowing and walking in the Truth is where we find the freedom we’re all looking for. Rooting ourselves in the Truth of God’s Word is how we can walk in confidence knowing we are set free by what He did for you and me. Abiding in His Truth is how we stay true and live free!
Written by Madi Prewett Troutt
Madi is the host of the podcast Stay True as well as the author of "Made for This Moment" and "The Love Everybody Wants."