THE WAY - John 14:6

THE WAY - John 14:6 - Proclamation Coalition

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

“The Way”–two little words that have extraordinary meaning. 

Jesus is The Way. The supreme way. The good way. The only way. When it comes to faith and eternal life, there are not multiple roads that all lead to the same place. There is one single, narrow road that leads us to true salvation and life, and there are countless paths that lead to delusion and death. The good news is that there is a sign posted above this good yet narrow road, and it says, “All people welcome.” 

As long as you still have breath in your lungs, you don’t need to backtrack, and you don’t need to go searching for this way. It will always be there for you to start walking down. But you need to trust it as the only way; otherwise, you will always end up choosing the easier, wider path. The path that looks like it leads to life. 

The believers in the early Church didn’t call themselves Christians like we do today. Instead, they called themselves “Followers of The Way” or “the People of The Way.” They didn’t just call themselves this, but they lived it. They lived radically different from the world around them. The movement of The Way was not merely a set of beliefs that they ascribed to, but a new path, identity, and a new way of living. They stood out. They lived in complete devotion to the Gospel of Jesus because they fully believed it to be the only true and life-giving path. Do you believe this? Are you a Follower of The Way?

No matter how good a different path seems now, without Jesus, we are all headed in a way that leads to pain and brokenness. There is nothing in all creation that has the power to save you. No person, self-help ritual, experience, or religion can save you. Only a relationship with the Creator Himself. Through placing your complete trust in Him (The Way), He can transform your life and rewrite your future. With Jesus, no matter how hard or challenging the path may be, we can have assurance in Him. In the end, our names are written in the Book of Life; there is an everlasting life waiting for us, and all along the way, He will be with us. There is only one way, and it’s Jesus. He is the absolute truth and everlasting life. Follow Him and be adopted into His family, redeemed, chosen, loved, and restored forever.