"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:11
Sheep are defenseless, dependent, and even directionless on their own. Without the consistent tending of their shepherd, they eat what they shouldn’t, become overgrown and weighed down by their wool, fall prey to lurking predators, and are led astray by other sheep that don’t know the right way to go. It is important that we see ourselves as the Good Shepherd’s sheep.
If this is the case, why do we, as lost sheep, rebel against the Good Shepherd? Why do we try to go our own way? It could be for a couple of reasons. Either we don’t trust that He is good and worthy of following, or we may even think obedience to His guidance and commands is keeping us from a better, more enjoyable path. Some, like sheep, see something desirable in the distance. Unknowingly, they consume something poisonous and get sick rather than realizing they have all the sustenance they need in the Bread of Life.
Follow this path away from the shepherd for too long, and you’ll run into all kinds of trouble. You’ll be deceived by others, by yourself, and by what you think is best at the moment. Your wool will cover your eyes, and you’ll stumble as a result. Enemies will close in on you from every side.
If you are not being led by the Good Shepherd, you are still being led by something.
Deceiving ourselves that Jesus is withholding from us a more pleasurable life, we may be tempted to follow the hired hand: He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. (John 10:12-13) The hired hand pales in comparison to the Good Shepherd. Jesus lays His life down for His flock. He neither neglects their needs nor allows enemies to overtake them. He knows us personally. Perhaps most importantly, He doesn’t lead His sheep anywhere that He Himself isn’t going with them, protecting them all the while. The fullest extent of joy, peace, pleasure, and abundance are found at His right hand. Do you believe that He is who He says He is?
Lost sheep need a good shepherd, and ours is worthy to follow. He guides us to springs of living water, refreshing and restoring our souls. He comforts us, caring for our needs and wiping away every tear. We are ushered down paths of righteousness where goodness and mercy are found. To remain in the flock is to experience true flourishing. So rest and follow Him, handing over your control and desires because He knows what is best for you, and He will take you there.