TETELESTAI - It is finished

When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30
In a single statement, we find the pinnacle of the greatest story in existence. The story that has transformed the world. This is the story about the Author of all creation, His rebellious people, and His mission to redeem them. After centuries of promises, prophecies, sacrifices, and the devastating power of sin, the plan to fulfill these prophecies and redeem His people was completed in one single moment when Jesus cried out: “tetelestai”—IT IS FINISHED!
This is the story: God created Man in His own image and walked with them in the cool of the day. But as we all know, Adam and Eve eventually rebelled against God. They chose their own way and doubted His. Because of this, God couldn’t stay with them anymore, or His holiness would destroy them in their sinful state. Their actions brought a curse into the world, changing God’s original design. Because of their guilt and brokenness, sacrifices had to be made to make things right.
Some people wonder, "Why did Jesus have to die for our sins? Couldn't God just forgive?" God can't act against His own nature. For God to just forgive sin without punishment would make God unjust. It’s like a judge letting a murderer go free without punishment—it wouldn’t be right.
Yes, God is loving and merciful, but a price still had to be paid. Since Adam brought death into the world, death became the price. This all led to Jesus’ life on Earth, where He made the ultimate sacrifice. As a perfect, spotless lamb, He paid the debt in full that the old system of sacrifices couldn’t fully cover. Jesus paid it all for us. “For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:17 NLT
The problem of sin has been dealt with once and for all. The requirement of the law has been fulfilled and satisfied in the life of Christ and His blood shed for us on the cross. When Jesus made this proclamation, the old ritual sacrifices for forgiveness were done away with. That means all our past, present, and future sins have been atoned for by this one single sacrifice.
You don’t need to work for right-standing with God. Jesus tore the veil between us and the Father, giving us the ability to approach the throne with boldness. He redeemed all who believed in one powerful moment when He voluntarily laid down His own life and then took it back up again. He left the throne so we can approach it. He took God’s punishment so we wouldn’t have to. He finished the work we could never even begin to complete on our own. What a gift of freedom we have been given! It is finished!