"There is Freedom" - 2 Corinthians 3:17

"There is Freedom" - 2 Corinthians 3:17 - Proclamation Coalition


The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 

There is a desire that is common to all humanity: the lowly, the high kings, the poor, the wealthy, every generation, every tongue, and every nation. This is our desire for freedom. 

What do you need freedom from? Is it an addiction? Bondage to sinful and broken desires? Sorrow and pain in the world? Fear? Maybe it’s even the pursuit of perfection and self-righteousness. 

Think of a child at a playground. Within the boundaries of the wood chips, the child is free to do as they please within reason. Run, play, and be free. This is because there is immense safety from their parent's watchful eye that deeply cares for them. On the contrary, if the child decides freedom is found in running outside the wood chips into the woods or surrounding neighborhood, they may wander off and soon discover that the freedom they desired has come at a cost. They will realize their perception of freedom outside their boundaries has actually led them to a place of danger, loneliness, and fear. They will become lost and far off from the protection and safety of their protector. 

True freedom isn’t found in escaping our problems and doing whatever we please. Instead, it’s found in following the path and wisdom of the one who has your best interest in mind and who withholds no good thing from you. This safety and freedom of the Spirit comes with boundaries; it’s not a license to do whatever we want. On the contrary, it leads to moral transformation and a joy-filled life in the presence and safety of Christ. 

Sheep need a shepherd, or they will be devoured by the wolves and the wilderness. This means true freedom is not merely taking off the yoke of sin but ultimately replacing it with the yoke of Christ. Through faith and the power of the Holy Spirit, we are freed from the law, fear, sin, and death ( Rom 8:2 ); we are no longer slaves but children. Children with a loving Father who is present and who cares deeply for our Joy, flourishing, and protection.

There is power in the presence of the Lord to break any chain. His presence is our freedom. We will certainly experience freedom in Christ on this earth, but it is merely a foretaste of our great and eternal inheritance and freedom ahead. Our final liberation is yet to come when we receive full adoption as sons and daughters when the earth will be freed from its bondage and decay and brought into glorious freedom forever. Ultimate freedom will be found on the day that we are united with the presence of God in paradise. So, take off the heavy burden of your sin and put on the light and easy burden of salvation.